sábado, 6 de marzo de 2010


Ya ha sido publicada la convocatoria de las becas MEC para estudiar en el extranjero. Todos aquellos que estéis cursando 1º y 2º de bachillerato no debéis dejar pasar esta oportunidad. El plazo termina el 30 de marzo, no os despistéis y presentadla cuanto antes.

1 comentario:

Gail dijo...

Hi Elena and colleagues!

Love the blog ...it's great! And just how did you do the music?

If you have time, it would be great if you could visit my/the course blog and let us know how we can do this - it's a lovely touch!

And thank you for letting me visit your dept blog - is it ok to link to the course blog (mine) or would you prefer not?!


Gail :-)